5 days to go
felling dizzy... but at the same time lot of confidence also that atleast i got the opportunity to feel dizzy.. haha. so its 5 days left to my interview@wharton. lets see how it goes,,,i am trying my best, have made aanswers to some of the standsard questions and i believ my myh wharton answer is pretty decent. I think this si one of the most important answer of the intervier along with the Why Now and Why MBA questions.
anyways the preparations are giving me deepar and deepr insights about the school and more i read more I dream of strolling in the wharton campus. I read al lthe student diearies today and realized that there are hell lot of things to be a part at wharton and ya studies are also is a part of that plenty things... every time i search for some things i get to know somethign new about wharton...
with each day passing by i am feeling closer to wharton ( atleast i can think so), when i had applied to wharton i had thouigh that my chances are pretty bleak but now i think i have fair enough chances. I think what i need to efficeintly communicate in the interview is that though i have less experience i am pretty sure of what i am doing what i want to do and what i am expecting from wharton.
one of my reviewers had very well put all this " you shud convey that there is somethign already waiting fo ryou after you MBA, its just that wharton is a ICE( worlds fastest train) as opposed to indian rail to reach there".
so lets see how the countdown zero treats me..
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