Friday, January 05, 2007

Done with the big one Wharton!!
ooom i am done with one and one to go ....the first one is Wharton and the second one is Ross. I thought i could just copy and paste lot of material for Ross from Wharton and will be done in a day...but I was wrong....i need to work on lot many things to make Ross essays look like they were born for Ross not adopted for Ross.

Anyways i want to write about my experience about applying to Wharton. The experience after applying was just exhilarating. Wanted to go out and have some ice cream (around 1am on 5th January IST, 2006) but unfortunately we don’t have a Wal-Mart in Bangalore. Experience while applying for Wharton was just the opposite, I was just praying, what else I could have done.
And now the best part, experience before applying or rather I should say experience while preparing to apply.

Is the word enjoyed correct to explain this experience, i think its easy to use this word after hitting the submit button , but I am sure this was the last word in my vocab I would have used before pressing the button. Ok let me summarize what all i learnt in this process and see how many things I can say:
Dedication, perseverance, patience, hard work, and above all the mantra which i just love, networking.

I am always inspired by the word networking, and again I could proof why so. it was networking which came to my rescue when it came to perfecting the essays. I really want to thank from the bottom of my heart( kapil if u read this don’t be angry on me for using your words) Nitin Uncle, Sunil uncke,Ashish Kaka, Namrata, Aruna, swati,Salil and the most important and biggest critique of my essays my wife swapna.

I can’t imagine i would have submitted my essay in the condition i have if these people were not around.

This experience has taught me the importance of communication. To be precise written communication. If one can create a recipe with correct mixture of efficient written communication and knowledge about oneself, the recipe will win a gold medal. And here I did the biggest mistake I was doing while writing essays. DO NOT WRITE LONG SENTENCES. It’s so easy to say that but was so difficult to read and implement this before applying. There were so many times when just by changing some words or just rephrasing a couple of sentences the whose scene changed and brought life to the essay.

I learnt that one shud have a tree built before starting to write an essay. Frankly speaking I did not do this when I started my Wharton essays but realized after submitting the Wharton essays. Today I used this approach for writing the career essay of Ross and believe me it works.

Let’s say if one has to write for example about career goals. SO these should be the steps:

1. Write long term goal.
2. Why this is your long term goal.
3. Why MBA + how MBA will help you to achieve 1.
4. A little bit on why now. Again link to 1.
5. Write about short term goals
6. Link how you think short term goals will help to achieve 1.

Just after writing these 6 points I was thinking of how I used to take all this management fundas when I was in college. and boy I don’t want to even think of writing what is in my mind....hope the people who know me might guess what I mean... and see today I am dreaming a future in this.

Anyways i think that all for today...I have to wake up tomorrow and work on the 2nd and 3rd essay for Ross.

Thanks and best of luck if you are still reading!!!!

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