Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Done with "in line of fire" and "Eleven minutes"

so finally doen with these two books. I had staretd to read these with the idea that these can be helpful to me if I land up with an interview. ( i am still hoping the saem). But now i feel that both of these books were junk, one is terms of content and other in terms of te statistcis and worng information mentioend. "Eleven Minutes", I just bought it considering the excellence paulo cohelo had shown with masterpiece like "alchemist"m but this time i was disappointed. This book is about a prostitute and dear paulo is all around trying to say that the Maria( the female heroine of the book) a prostitute is a amazing girl and blah blah... as a whol;e dodnt like the book much.

now about the "In line of fire" by dear and deadly Pervez bhai. I think the review depends on which side of the LOC one is. i tried to be on the LOC so as to me neutral and read the book. My main idea to read this book was to prepare for the question for the interview ( hope i get form both wharton and Ross) "Which book are you reading now" " Why are you reading this book". For the Why answer i wanted to see what pervez bhai thinks of the whole india pakistan problem and what kind of a person he is.. But i think i still cant answer what kind of a person he is.. Throughout the book he went talking about himslef.,..that he has done he has done that....i think he has bosted a lot about himself. Somre of the interesting chapters i was particularly peeking on were whne he talks on the issue of kargil and the like wars. He tried to be very cleaver but failed completely in the attempt. In the book he did not accpet defeat in all the ars and kept praisingin his work his army his ocuntry his people.

Another common approach i have seen of thsi dude is that whenevr somwething is against him and is negatyive for him he simply denies the very basic existence of the source. For eg in the kargil chapter he simply says that what india did in media and in war was totally different. media was just highlighting the stuff which did not existed oln the warzone. I dont knwo the reality but still find it difficult to digest. ANother issue he talked was to improve the relationship between india nad pakisatn, again he denies lot of stuff that i knew . May be i am wrong but his books didnt had the weight in the content to prove his sayings.

Most interesting stuff to me in the book was when what we know as POK is called as Azad Kashmir. Another was when the beautifull state we know as Jammu and Kashmir is called as Indian Occupied Kashmir. Though he has not at all sunstantiated whey he says all this.

Finally i dont understand why now is the time when Pervez bhai has written this biography. Normally people write biographies when they have retired or have no work. All thorugh the book he has tried that the reader does not get the impression that pervez is a dicatotor but as i read more i was more convinced that he is a dictator. Having said that i dont hink he has enough time to think and write about htis book. So dont know what made musshi to write this book of 280 pages. I think his idea is to talk biggie biggie stuff about himself and create an impression for the world and the public that he is a gem of a person ad is there to take a U trun in the path where pakistan is going. No dount the things he has talked of in the book are amazing, considering all those facts and figures are true, i think pakistan has a good future ahead. But who know he might he ousted by some another militart personnel of his only.

Anyways a nice read though, only if you are on LOC. A single step here and there of the LOC will make the read a not very good one.

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